Termly Dance Showcases
16 Oct 2022
Termly Dance Showcases
At StepUp, one of our primary learning outcomes is to provide a regular and consistent platform for our students to perform. As dance is an intrinsic expression of the body, we are of the notion that it will be best appreciated when put on stage in a performance.
Therefore, since our inception in May 2011, we have been organising our Termly Dance Showcases which are our in-house dance performances at the end of every Term where our parents and family are invited into our studios at the end of each Term, our teachers will review what had been taught in the past few months and our students will then demonstrate/perform live their exercises/dance in front of their adoring audience.
Video Highlights Of Our Termly Showcases From 2017 Term 1 (Yishun)
The benefits of our Termly Showcases are:
1. A regular and consistent platform for students to perform;
2. Creates a Termly goal for every student to work towards and from our first-hand observation, most (if not all) students looks forward to the Showcases and our instructor's feedback that they will practise even harder in class in the last few lessons leading up to a Showcase;
3. Increase the student's stage exposure and confidence;
4. A consistent avenue to engage the parents in every student's dance journey;
5. An outlet for our teachers to share important announcements and learning takeaways from the past Term's training objectives;
6. Also serves as an excellent feedback session as parents are generally interested in a student's progress, thus the Showcase offers a wonderful opportunity to assess their child's development against the average standard of the class.
From the pointers above, you would have noticed that besides serving the interests of our students, the Showcases provides the added bonus for a parent's engagement in their child's dance journey. This value-added service was recognised as a family-friendly initiative that contributed to our double honours in the 'We Welcome Families Awards 2013' which was supported by the Ministry of Social & Family Development. With services such as our Showcases and E-Learning Portal for every student, we were honoured with both the Champions and Excellence Awards for our outstanding efforts in creating a family-friendly environment for our students and parents.
Our X-factor Value-Added Showcases That Contributed To Our Double Honours
Therefore, when COVID-19 landed in Singapore and caused the cancellation of our 2020 Term 1 Showcases (due to the Circuit Breaker), we had to make every effort to ensure that we continue to deliver our award-winning Showcases to our parents. As with most learning during the pandemic, the school therefore leveraged on digital technology to pivot our Showcases online where our parents were given a Google Meet link to join in the video call in our studios where 2 camera angles were setup to ensure that all students were captured on screen. As an added personal touch, the parent's faces were also beamed real-time via our studio projector so as to create the connection that the parents are in the studio with the students and cheering them on.
Our Termly Livestream Dance Showcases were a roaring success in providing our parents with a resource that allowed them to stay vested with their child's dance journey for which learning during the past 2 years had been made more 'detached' as no parents are allowed to enter the school due to the Safe Management Measures. The benefit of an Online Showcase also meant that we are not confined by physical constraints, as parents, family and friends could login from the comfort of their homes to watch our Showcases and support our dancers.
Our Termly Livestream Dance Showcases were a roaring success in providing our parents with a resource that allowed them to stay vested with their child's dance journey for which learning during the past 2 years had been made more 'detached' as no parents are allowed to enter the school due to the Safe Management Measures. The benefit of an Online Showcase also meant that we are not confined by physical constraints, as parents, family and friends could login from the comfort of their homes to watch our Showcases and support our dancers.
Highlight video of our 2022 Term 1 Livestream Dance Showcases (Punggol)
With relaxation of Safe Management Measures from 26th April 2022 onwards, our 2022 Term 2 Showcases also marked the first time that we could welcome our parents into our studios and we took the opportunity after a 2 years hiatus of in-person Showcases to engage our parents in the dance exercises with their children. Besides letting our parents learn first-hand the challenges of learning dance, it also allowed our parents to continue the training at home with our students, provided a bonus bonding session between parent-child, and some of our students even played teachers to their parents. Check out our 2022 Term 2 Showcases highlight videos below to learn more.
Highlight videos of our 2022 Term 2 Dance Showcases
We hope our sharing on the importance of Dance Performances, and how providing such opportunities through our Termly Dance Showcases will ensure the holistic development of the student in the long run, gives you an insight into this learning outcome that is much valued in our school.
Thanks for your attention to this article, and please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for more information. In the meantime, stay safe and keep on dancing!
- All About Dance (30)
- Dance Competitions (19)
- Dance Examinations (19)
- Dance Performances (15)
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