StepUp's Hip Hop Programme ~ Training Plan For Every Student

07 Aug 2022
All About Dance
StepUp's Hip Hop Programme ~ Training Plan For Every Student

As every parent is dedicated to ensuring the best learning outcome when they send their child for enrichment classes, it is therefore important for us as a responsible service provider to share the different learning pathways available when a student enrols into our Hip Hop programme. 

In this article, besides taking a 'big picture' look at the journey ahead for every Hip Hop student here, we will also provide an overview on the undertaking required and learning outcomes for each of the different options available. Ultimately, depending on the expectations and aspirations of the student and parent, the choices available will appeal in distinct ways to every individual. Therefore, by sharing the possibilities going forward, we will be able to assist our students and parents in making the best informed decision in planning their child's Hip Hop journey ahead. 

As shared in our Hip Hop Programme flowchart above, for every student enrolled here, there are a a total of 3 main learning pathways available: 

1. Dance Performances 

2. Event Performances 

3. Performing Group 

Let us now take a closer look at each of these 3 options available for our students and parents to take into consideration for their planning ahead. 

1. Dance Performances for every student: 
Termly Dance Showcases

Dance Recitals

In summary, Dance Performances provides students with: 

a. A consistent platform and opportunity for in-house dance studio and theatre performances for an audience

b. Provides a training objective during the weekly regular classes for the students to look forward to

c. Builds the student's stage exposure and confidence

d. Hones their performance value as staging for their advanced progress into our Performing Group

2. Event Performances for honing the stage craft and confidence of the committed student: 

In summary, Event Performances provides our students with: 

a. Creates a training target and outcome for them during the regular weekly classes. 

b. Every event performance is the conclusion of a successful learning milestone for the dacners. 

c. Improve the stage exposure and confidence of the dancers as these are showcases in the public domain

d. Builds their dance portfolio for DSA-SEC submission by providing a measurable indicator of their efforts in Hip Hop dance. 

e. Staging and prerequisite for teacher's selection into our Performing Group

3. Performing Group for the passionate student who seeks challenges outside their comfort zone and strives to redefine their own dance limits: 

In summary, our Performance Group requirements and provisions for the future are as follows: 

a. Only eligible for dancers who shows good performance from the regular dance classes, Showcases and Event Performances.  

b. New dancers will be placed into Group Competition Teams first before further selection as a Soloist. 

c. New dancer's parents are required to attend the Performing Group meeting and to sign the Performing Group Agreement.  

d. Portfolio of dance achievements from Competitions serves as the foundation for DSA-SEC submission

e. Experience in Dance Competitions is required for consideration as a Hip Hop Teaching Assistant which in turn leads up to a career in dance as a Hip Hop Instructor

We trust the sharing above will provide a comprehensive study of the different learning pathway that are available for every Hip Hop student enrolled into our classes, regardless of their ability and interest. As every student and parent has different aspiration and motivation for learning Hip Hop, the eventual learning track that a student undertakes is a very personal choice unique to their needs. We are therefore confident that our Hip Hop Programme provides quality training outcomes from a new student who just wants to explore what Hip Hop is, to a serious student who strives for excellence at Dance Competitions

Thanks for your attention to this article and please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for further assistance. In the meantime, stay safe and keep on dancing